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USA Freecall: 1866 243 3575 UK Freecall: 0800 032 2317

Advocate Large Dogs 22 to 55lbs 10-25kg 3 pack

Product code: avld3

  • Price: $64.00
  • RRP: $69.00

ADVOCATE Advantage Multi from Bayer the all in one topical spot on treatment for dogs. Put the squeeze on fleas, intestinal worms, heartworms, sarcoptic mange, dog lice. New Advocate treats and kills all of the above dog parasites. Advocate Kills Fle

ADVOCATE Advantage Multi from Bayer the all in one topical spot on treatment for dogs. Put the squeeze on fleas, intestinal worms, heartworms, sarcoptic mange, dog lice. New Advocate treats and kills all of the above dog parasites. Advocate Kills Fleas, Flea Larvae, treats and prevents Heartworm Disease, Controls & kills intestinal Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, Treats & kills Sarcoptic Mange & Dog Lice.

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